The Haven's Written Works

Here are all of the written works that I've done and put up on the site. I can't say I'm entirely proud of all of them, but, oh well.

The Story of Joe and Fred
Not quite sure why I stopped on this... The basic plot was that 2 guys somehow enter an RPG world and have no clue what the hell is going on. Wild antics ensue. Or will ensue, if I ever get back to this...

The Pointless Tale of Elgard
This was my entry into the Scholastic Writing Competition under Humor. It covers how one powerful, murderous bounty hunter, Elgard, is waylaid by a wierd guy, whose name escapes me (it was originally Dekanu, but, after looking over the rules and seeing something that alarmed me, this was changed, along with appearance), who tells him to go defeat some mage, who happens to have a wierd curse. Insane antics that are REALLY rushed (stupid word maximum...) ensue at the end.

Chrono Trigger: The Heir of Zeal

Haven't worked on this in a while... This is a fanfic I made after an interesting idea hit me and I thought long and hard about whether or not it would be feasible. I've expanded this original concept, but I'm not sure how it'll all turn out... Oh, well. We'll just have to wait and see...

Chapter 1 - Mysterious Assailants
Chapter 2 - Swordsman's Requiem
Chapter 3 - Just Another Day
Chapter 4 - How the Lunch Was Ruined
Chapter 5 - Revelation at the Forest Ruins
Chapter 6 - And So Their Adventure Began Anew
Chapter 7 - The Journeys of Heros and Villains
Chapter 8 - Serus' Minions Appear
Chapter 9 - The Fall of Jesh
Chapter 10 - The Scout's Sacrifice

That's all for now.

Saviors Stories

Ah, my Final Fantasy VI fanfic... Maybe I'll return to it. Someday...

  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3

Triad of Fate Stories

The bulk of my stories are going to cover Culix, Shazar and Dekanu. Goodie/Goody!

Shazar's introductory story. Need I say more?

The first story about Dekanu. Utterly pointless. But it gives you an idea of how he operates, at least.

Culix (and Nina)
This one feels rushed... Oh, well. This acts as Culix's introduction. And I threw in Nina, who may make later appearances.


Ah, Unknown... The longest thing I've ever written... And I will complete it! Mark my words! Anyway, until it's done, enjoy the unfinished and slightly gothicy adventures of Josh and Julia.

Unknown - Supplements

If I include any extra things that, while not necessary, should probably be read, you'll find them here. Sure, there's only one now, but there will probably be more, eventually.

School Papers, etc.

Occasionally, I've gotten some kinda interesting assignments for school, usually in my English class. Actually, all that's presently here came from my senior English class... Oh, well. I think that some of these are fairly well-done, so look them over, if you're bored.

Leave the horror of my writings!