Episode 1 - The Land Beneath The Sky - Rhue is with a middle-aged man and his wife, along with a young woman. They speak for a while, then Rhue decides to leave them. They comment that he may become a Forerunner. Later, when that group has fallen asleep, the Phantom Slasher approaches their tent. - The Phantom Slasher is a safe distance behind Rhue later, but whether this is to be taken literally or not is unknown. - Meet Therin of Nelin Stretch and learn the basics of the Plunge. - Strata calmly stabs Rhue and steals his Red Swiftfoot. - Rhue is saved by Wes and Dana. - Rhue, Wes, and Dana meet a headhunter looking for Jeruh waiting on a bridge. Wes and Dana haven't heard of him and, after pausing, Rhue says that he hasn't either. Headhunter fights them, wounds Wes and Dana, then plunges with Rhue. Headhunter wins, but Slade runs in and kills him. - Slade takes Rhue, Dana, and Wes to a small settlement, then leaves. - Outside, Rhue sees Slade and Strata talk. Slade says he knows Strata, but Strata claims he must be mistaken and goes to the rabbit race. - Rhue goes to get Belson, the race's judge, drunk. - Rhue has a nightmare of a boy and a girl running in a forest with howling beasts behind them. They reach a cliff and the boy tries to hold off the animals with a sword while the girl, who he calls Serena, waits on the cliff, but another beast knocks her into the water. The boy is then set upon by the animals. - Rhue wakes up, attends the race, and steals back his rabbit, before making a break for it and possibly killing those who get in his way. - Rhue crosses a river about an hour later and meets Traziun, who defeats him in a plunge easily. Traziun decides to go with Rhue and, with a Glow Rock, start heading to the cavern. - As they approach the cavern, Traziun asks Rhue if something's wrong and, after a pause, Rhue says there isn't. The Phantom Slasher is seen waiting off to the side. - Rhue and Traziun meet with Gaius from across the chasm and get a warning about the cavern's beast. Traziun wants to leave him and Rhue can either agree or disagree. - After killing the beast, Gaius joins Rhue and Traziun. On hearing his name, Gaius of Xor, Traziun seems to think about something, but they soon move on. - After the puzzle, Gaius says he's starting to feel claustrophibic, but Rhue doesn't think it's too bad in the cave. They then leave. - They reach Lyrra's camp. Lyrra jumps out and shouts "Boo!" causing Rhue to instantly go for his sword. Traziun asks why he's so tense, and even Rhue feels strange that he did it. Lyrra and Rhue have some interaction to affect their relationship. Traziun, Gaius, and Rhue learn of an attack two nights ago that killed a middle-aged man, his wife, and a younger woman who was travelling with them, with their valuables left untouched. Traziun comments that Rhue looks sick after hearing that. - They sit and Traziun tells the story of the cave they just left. Rhue then goes into his own story, about the little boy. Lyrra intervenes repeatedly and the story eventually becomes a love story, filled with cliches. Additionally, she names the main characters Rhuke and Lyla. - After the story, Rosmar notices that Gaius is missing. - After everyone goes to sleep, Rhue sleeps outside, and the Phantom Slasher approaches. - ENDING = Dirk walks along the Way, with several other people, including a blue haired man in red and green, and a couple that chat with each other. - ENDING = Gaius stands on a cliff, looking at the moon.